Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

We really need to stop shooting our children

Of course I'm following the story of Trayvon Martin. 

Here's what perplexes me about the response of law enforcement:

1. A man in a car reports suspicious activity.
2. He's told to not engage with the person he's reporting.
3. He gets out of the car
4. He engages with the person he's reporting.
5. He shoots the person.

How is this self-defense and imminent peril?
How exactly is this guy not arrested?
He shot someone. An unarmed someone.  On a sidewalk he went to in order
to confront this person.

Leave out all the details.  Race,  age,  body size.  Leave it all out, and it still boggles my mind that there's any question of self-defense.

And if for any reason you're still thinking "well, maybe there's another side to this story" think about these two things:

Would the police have handled this differently if a black man got out of his car, shot a white kid on a sidewalk and claimed self-defense?

What if it had been your kid?

Gina Carroll says what's in my heart. Just a lot better. 

President Obama: "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon"

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