Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Update #12--a chance for some audience participation!

The first round of judging is finished.

No, it didn't kill us.  Close, but we found an extra cupcake and an extra flask hidden in a desk drawer and it kept us going through #410 (there have been some disqualifications and withdrawals, so we're down to 410 entries)

It's very clear that we're going to have a VERY hard time picking a winner. Thus, we've decided to torture the finalists in new and hilarious ways for our judging pleasure.  We're going to give them a quiz!  (Can you hear the sound of maniacal shark laughter here?)

Here's your chance to contribute:  what should we ask them?  Nothing too grim, nothing too personal, nothing too weird.  Think about if YOU were to be a finalist; what questions would make you stand out from the crowd?

Post your suggestions in the comments column of this blog post.  You'll see which ones we pick when the finalists are posted (it's a ways off!)

And if you want to guess how many entries made it to the second round, post that number in your answer as well.

Example: 410 entries.  Question: Are you afraid to eat lunch with a shark? (Lunch with The QueryShark herself is part of the contest prize)

Have at it!

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