Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Update #7: Your email address and signature

It's no surprise that getting 400+ entries into the Liz Norris Pay It Forward Debut Novel contest made me hyper aware of your email address (each address was logged into my address book with your entry number) and your signature line (we're pasted your query onto your manuscript to create one .doc for the judges so I see all those sig lines.)

Some of you must be getting paid by your email provider for advertising space right? Otherwise why would you allow them to advertise products on your business email?

53 Year Old Mom Looks 33
The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried
 <http://thirdpartyoffers.netzero.net/TGL3242/4f6161b8c7cea27de9a4st06duc> consumerproducts.com <http://thirdpartyoffers.netzero.net/TGL3242/4f6161b8c7cea27de9a4st06duc

Unless you are writing a novel solely to amuse yourself, and have no intention of ever showing it to anyone else, you need to start thinking about the business side of your writing life.  An email account that is businesslike (kitten30@hijinx.com isn't); an account that doesn't spam your recipients with advertising links; and an IP address that isn't your other business/job (doctor@gallbladdersareus.com)

 There are many parts of this business you have no control over:   response times from agents leap to mind; the state of the market; my mood.  You have total control over how you present yourself. Exercise it.

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