Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

3rd Update on the Liz Norris Pay It Forward Contest

All the entries have been processed. That means I've opened them, numbered them, and uploaded them to DropBox so the judges can read them.

It also means that if your entry was disqualified for any reason you will have gotten an email from me.

However, I know your little writerly souls and I know that's not going to assuage your worry.  Writers obsess over details and if you're not obsessing over the right word, you're obsessing about whether your contest entry was ok.

So, let's at least get you back to obsessing about words.

You can email me to make sure you've got a contest number.

You MUST email me this sentence: "Do I have a number?" and it MUST be from the same email address you used to enter the contest.

No long rants.
No effusive praise.

Nothing but "Do I have a number?" from the same email address you used to enter.

My reply will be that number.


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