Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

So, how was your day?

Lunch here at the Reef usually just involves jousting over who ordered the spicy tuna sushi and who did NOT and thus better get her mitts OFF mine, but today we had Entertainment with a capital E initiated by our good friend Eric over at Wiley. 

He tweeted a link to this NPR story about an earless rabbit. 

You only need to read the headline to know it's not a happy story: "Star Rabbit Dies When Photographer Takes Wrong Step."

I read the story aloud to @SharklyAssist a darling of an assistant who loves animals. She was horrified. I of course couldn't stop laughing to her great and growing dismay.  Yes! It's awful, but holy hell...it's awful funny too!

I tweeted about it.

And @SharklyAssist announced to all and sundry that "Words cannot cure what ails you" (which is oh so true) and here was her response to me:

Which of course produced a link to Disapproving Rabbits from Bill Cameron which is clearly a place I need to do more Christmas shopping.

But the whole point of this blog post is to announce we have a new standard for measuring how the day went.  How bad was it? Well, at least you didn't step on the bunny!

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