Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Malice Domestic grant to Unpubbed writers

If you are a writer whose work falls in the traditional mystery category, I cannot urge you strongly enough to apply for the Malice Domestic award for unpublished writers.

I'm a HUGE fan of this contest for many reasons, not the least of which it's how I found the Fabulous Stephanie Evans (not the agent!)

I attended Malice in 2010 and Stephanie gave a very gracious, very polished thank you speech at dinner. She'd won the grant that year.  I knew at once that an author this polished and professional, and one who had won a contest that draws hundreds of entries, was someone I needed to know.

I believe I actually stepped on Charlaine Harris' toes as I launched myself out of my chair, catapulted myself over the table and did my best imitation of an offensive lineman to reach Stephanie.

And reach her I did. I introduced myself.  Stephanie, who is the epitome of a gracious Southern lady, expressed thanks. It was clear she'd never heard my name before. (I got a huge charge out of that let me tell you!)  I begged for her manuscript and she agreed to send it to this crazy woman who clearly thought people should know who she was me.

That was last year.

This year Stephanie went back to Malice with a publishing deal in hand.

And next year, she goes with a book: FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH will be published by Berkley Books in June 2012.

So, am I fan of Malice Domestic? You better believe it.

And here are the details of how to enter.

Every year, Malice Domestic awards two grants to unpublished writers to help support their writing careers. The winners are awarded $1500 as well as a paid registration for the following year's convention and two nights lodging.

Submissions will be accepted from September 15th through November 15th only!

For more information about the William F Deeck-Malice Domestic Grant Program including submission instructions and guidelines, click here

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