Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Sharks on display!

New York chapter of Mystery Writers of America sponsors:

The Inside Track: 
Top Agents Reveal How You Can Make Your Project Rise to the Top of the pile

More and more people are writing mysteries and getting published is harder than ever. The key is to write the best book you can. You’ve already done that, right? But then you have to find a publisher and you do that by getting an agent to represent your book.  This is harder than it sounds and requires first of all, a gripping query letter.

Literary agents  JANET REID of FinePrint Literary Managemen and MICHELLE BROWER of Folio Literary Management will discuss the purpose and structure of a query letter, and what makes a query stand out.

They will also tell you what an agent can do for you, what to look for in an agent, and the questions to ask when an agent offers representation.

There will be time at the end for the audience to ask questions related to getting your book published and the state of the market.

Wednesday, February 16, 2010  uh no, it's 2011.  Thank you Joelle!

6:30 PM

The New York Public Library, mid-Manhattan branch, 6th floor
40th Street Fifth Avenue

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