Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

If you're a writer with a book on submission that hasn't sold (yet) read this

CJ Redwine is one smart cookie.  I remember when her very first novel was making the agent rounds. I read it. So did two good friends of mine. Two of us knew it was perfect for the third. And it was.

I've always had a bit of a softspot in my heart for CJ. I loved her book.  I watched from across the bar as time marched on and the book didn't sell.

And then, she got a deal.  She was over the moon. Her incredibly talented marvelous agent Holly Root was over the moon.  And the two of us who'd kept an eye on CJ: yup, we were over the moon too. Naturally we celebrated with drinks. 

CJ has some cogent insight into this process here on her blog.  If you're in her shoes--an author with an agent and an unsold book--what CJ says here will give you some valuable perspective.

Plus how could you not want to read a blog post that has this picture on it

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