Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Yea, I REALLY loved it!

It's the 50th Anniversary of Madeline L'Engle's A WRINKLE IN TIME and lots of people are re-reading this wonderful classic. I was a devoted fan of the book and extolled it far and wide in The Reef.

I asked The Sharkly Assistant if she'd read the book and when she confessed, in a terrified whisper, that she had NOT, I quickly ordered two copies.

When the books arrived I pounced at once, opened and started to read.

Whoa, this is a lot different than I remember.

Wait...I don't remember this at all.

Um...this ISN'T the same book.

I've not only never read A WRINKLE IN TIME, I read another book entirely and thought it was A WRINKLE IN TIME.

Now....what the hell did I read?

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