Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

25 Truths about Rejection

Chuck Wendig's blog should be required reading for every writer.
Hell, required reading for ALL of us.

Here's his recent post on 25 things every writer should know about rejection.

The first one give you a sense of the whole list:

1. As Ineluctable As The Tides

If you’re a writer, a writer who writes, a writer who puts her work out there, you’re going to face rejection. It’s like saying, “Eventually you’re going to have to fistfight a bear,” except here it’s not one bear but a countless parade of bears, from Kodiaks to Koalas, all ready to go toe-to-toe with you. Rejection, like shit, happens. Rejection, like shit, washes off. Get used to it.

Read the rest of his list here.

Now, back to reading queries!

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