Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

I don't believe you

When you tell me "This manuscript has been professionally edited and is now ready to be published" I don't actually laugh, but I also don't believe you.

For starters, unless I know the editor and have seen projects they've edited, I'm always (ALWAYS) a skeptic.  It's very easy to set up shop as a freelance editor these days. Some editors are great, some are good, and I've seen work from some that made me wonder if they read books let alone edited them.

In other words, anonymous editors are like anonymous references: useless.

And honestly if you think a publisher will just put your manuscript into production as is, well, you've got a horrible surprise ahead.

What you're trying to say here is "my manuscript is ready to face the world" but you don't need to actually say it.  I assume when you are querying me, your manuscript is in the best possible shape you can get it.  You don't need to tell me how it got that way. In fact, it's better if you don't.

Just tell me about the book. Honestly, it's really the only thing I care about right now (unless your query is so condescending and rude that I wouldn't want to work with you no matter how good the book, but that won't ever be one of this blog's readers, I'm SURE!)

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