The Shark rips open a large package with delight.
A Shark Shriek is heard throughout the office. Minion whiskers wriggle. Something delightful? Or just another chum, discarded?
Minions carefully eye the wrapping. Aha! A clue! "From: MouseBootsEditor"
"Back to work!" comes the Shark Bark, and minions scatter.
Minion #1 however, is careful to hide under the desk, hidden by piles of manuscripts, whisky bottles, distraught queriers and three sobbing editors from the HouseWhichShallNotBeNamed.
A clever beast, Minion #1 has learned that Shark shrieks and packages from MouseBoots Editor are sure signs of SomethingGoodToRead. Learning that life cannot be sustained by
Minion #1:
Unbeknownst to Minion #1, Minion #2 has also learned about shrieks, packages and
Minion #2:
A plaintive wail by co-conspirator Minion #3 "I don't know what to do with this photo of Jeff Somers without pants! Do I need to call Gothamist...or MoMA?" lures The Shark from her Reef.
Minions pounce from all angles:
A frustrated shriek from the Minion Mosh Pit:
"No prize!"
The Shark, wise to the ways of wily minions, and no slouch herself when it comes to purloined prizes, has taken the bounty with her.
Minions 1, 2, and 3 sob uncontrollably because they did not get a copy of GIRL OF FIRE AND THORNS.
The Shark swims off, cackling with glee that she's the first to know what a deliciously marvelous book this is, and that she'll be able to get the minions to work even longer hours with the promise of such a great reward--after she finishes reading it of course.
Sadly, the Shark failed to realize THE GIRL OF FIRE AND THORNS is now available for sale...which explains why Minions 1, 2, and 3 are on their way to the bookstore, not their proper place in the reef.
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