Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Agent speed dating!

Of course I stole this idea from BookEnds LLC! Their blog is terrific, and if you're not reading it regularly, you're missing out on great information.

Here's my entry:

Name: Janet Reid

Speed date bio: Literary agent with FinePrint Literary Management. I work with an extraordinary group of talented people. I keep the QueryShark blog that eats queries for breakfast.

Currently reading: I always have several books going at once. Right now it's Claire DeWitt and the City of the Dead by Sara Gran; and The Metaphysical Club by Louis Menard.

Next on your reading list: (subject to change!) GOOD NEIGHBORS by Ryan David Jahn; IN THE GARDEN OF BEASTS by Erik Larson.

Facebook or Twitter:
Twitter definitely: Janet_Reid

Three authors living or dead you would want to have dinner with:
Margaret Mitchell, Mark Twain, Richard Hugo

Three characters you would want to have dinner with:
Jack Reacher, Jack Reacher, Jack Reacher

Ok, that's cheating.
Jack Reacher, Elvis Cole, Rhett Butler

Jetsetter or armchair traveler:
Armchair these days.  I used to love to travel but now you need a crowbar to pry me out of NYC.

Glass ½ full or ½ empty:
I love what Jessica Faust said: "1/2 full and then some!"  Me tooo!

Tea or Coffee:
Iced tea; hot coffee

Ereader or Print book:
I love print. I didn't know how much I loved it till I got my Kindle. I love my Kindle for mss and for quick peeks inside books, but for Sunday morning on the couch, nothing beats a print book.  I'm glad I don't really have to choose.

Morning person or Evening person:
Night owl by nature; morning person by necessity.  I should move to London so I can start work at 5pm!

Working soundtrack:
This and this

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