Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

We ALL want you!

Dealing with multiple offers of representation sounds like a dream come true, right? Except, how do you choose?

There've been some good posts on this topic recently, from BookEnds LLC here, and from Jodi Meadows here

What neither post mentions however is one of the questions you absolutely MUST ask, and will have an impact on your decision: how long are they offering to represent you? Is it for life (as in, there's no automatic end date, but there is a termination clause if either of you want out) or is it for a year, or is it for just this project?

You'll want to know that going in.  There's no one right answer. It depends on your project and your professional goals.  Mostly I sign people intending to be their agent for the rest of their career. Other agencies sign clients for a year, or for just a single project (particularly for non-fiction.)

This is not something you want to find out the hard way. Ask ahead of time.

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