Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

one fast way to instant rejection: Lie

Don't lie to prospective agents.

I'm in sales. I understand the need for diplomatic phrasing, careful word choice, and perhaps not telling every single facet of a story right at the start.  That's not what I mean when I say "don't lie."

Lies are: You requested this (when I know I haven't)
Damned lies are: Your assistant requested this (when I find out she didn't)

We keep track of what we request. Saying we requested something when we didn't doesn't mean we pay extra attention to your work. It means we reject it. 

"Requested material" is not what you put on something if I've said "sure, send a query."  A query is never requested material. You don't need permission to send me a query.

You don't need to put "Requested material" on anything you send me. I know what I've asked for. The only time to put "requested material" on anything is when (gasp!) the agent says these exact words: "put REQUESTED MATERIAL" on it"

Got it?

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