Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Shiseido to Buy Bare Escentuals but Blodgett Still Involved ... Bleck!

Shiseido, Japan's largest cosmetics company (and one of my very first cosmetic loves ... their eyeshadows are the dreamiest!), is said to be buying U.S.-based Bare Escentuals for a whopping $1.7 billion, the mineral makeup line that enjoys quite a following (though I can't stand them ... so irritating). The California-based firm will operate as a separate division of Shiseido, and CEO Leslie Blodgett will continue to run its brands.

Well, if there has to be a down side, right? Really, does Leslie Blodgett irritate the hell out of anyone else like she does me? I realize I may be in the minority as many a beauty addict likes BE; I just don't understnad why. Personally, I think Shiseido got the raw end of the deal here. Waaaaaayyyy too much $$$ spent on this endeavor. Mineral makeup and BE's fledgling skincare brand isn't here to stay - just my opine.

Class vs. Well ... No Class

source: wwd

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