Kamis, 26 Januari 2012
Assembly required
Regular blog readers will remember that I am not handy with tools or instructions.
A friend took note of that today by sending me this:
A friend took note of that today by sending me this:
Besties winner tells all!
The winner of the "Besties" writing contest has a blog post about flash fiction that I think is pretty useful.
Here's the link.
Here's the link.
Selasa, 24 Januari 2012
">>>>" is code for sloppy.
Working through the queries today brought yet another example of a query writer copying the contents of an email into a new email and hitting "send."
How can I tell?
>>> These little arrows
>>>appear in front of every
>>>new line. And yes
>>>it makes your query
>>> hard to read.
I've said it before, I guess I need to say it again: The harder it is to read your query the more likely I am to stop reading and say no.
There are ways to copy email contents without getting those arrows in the body of the email. Figure out how your mail management program does it.
If you need help on this, you should be over at AbsoluteWrite talking to other writers. AbsoluteWrite is a wonderful resource for questions large and small.
How can I tell?
>>> These little arrows
>>>appear in front of every
>>>new line. And yes
>>>it makes your query
>>> hard to read.
I've said it before, I guess I need to say it again: The harder it is to read your query the more likely I am to stop reading and say no.
There are ways to copy email contents without getting those arrows in the body of the email. Figure out how your mail management program does it.
If you need help on this, you should be over at AbsoluteWrite talking to other writers. AbsoluteWrite is a wonderful resource for questions large and small.
Senin, 23 Januari 2012
Why you get form or "no response means no" rejections in 3 easy steps
1. Query is an unholy mess from the subject line ("Query. I think") to the closing:
2. My reply:
> www.queryshark.blogspot.com
> It's a blog about how to revise your query so it's effective.
3. His reply
Okedokey! Back to form rejections.
And the next person who asks why I don't personalize things or offer help will get a link to this post.
>> Any suggests or advice would be appreciated. Thanks for your time.
>> Any suggests or advice would be appreciated. Thanks for your time.
2. My reply:
> www.queryshark.blogspot.com
> It's a blog about how to revise your query so it's effective.
3. His reply
I didn't ask for ideas about queries. I asked about how to go about getting an agent. I thought you would be kind and just look over what I had sent. It's called being decent to a fellow human being. It would not have taken any skin off of your nose just to look.
Okedokey! Back to form rejections.
And the next person who asks why I don't personalize things or offer help will get a link to this post.
Minggu, 22 Januari 2012
Sabrina Mastrangelo was crowned Miss New York Teen USA 2012 on January 15, 2012 at the Purchase College Performing Arts Center, Purchase, New York

Sabrina Mastrangelo, Miss Long Island Teen USA, was crowned Miss New York Teen USA 2012 on January 15, 2012 at the Purchase College Performing Arts Center, Purchase, New York. She will represent New York in Miss Teen USA 2012Pageant.
Special thanks and credits to http://beautypageantnews.com
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
Meet The Top 25 Finalists of Sexiest Women of The World 2011-1012

Special thanks and credits to the source: http://globalbeauties.com
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
"Besties" writing contest results**
** how surprised are you to see how quick I was with the results? (yea, me too!)
You were a bloodthirsty bunch this weekend! I had to find a copy of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm to cleanse my eyeballs after reading your entries! Yowza!
Herewith the results:
Special recognition for dire threats about the judging!
"On a side note, if Matthew Masucci does not win with his entry, then I will assume all contests rigged and include a bribe with my next entry."
Cole Howard 4:45pm
Oblique in a tantalizing way!
Shtrum 9:24am
Special recognition for entries that were just utterly delightful.
Papillon Crew 9:25am
Sheila JG 9:34am
Special recognition for an entry that evokes New York perfectly!
Heroin Jones 10:06am
Yow! Special recognition for making me hide under my desk.
Matthew Masucci 1:03pm
Special recognition for making me say "awwwww"
Just Jan 12:46am
Special recognition for a neat turn of phrase:
"A lamb is bent and red beside the wolf, who lies—sought, caught, shot"
Annie 1:40pm
"A whole chaos of fuzzy red squirrels."
NotWarriorPrincess 6:01pm
Special recognition for my favorite literary goat: Bill E.
Sha'el, Princess of Pixies 11:14am
These entries just cracked me up!
Charley 10:42am
Schalfin 11:10am (the shortcut to Betelgeuse leading to the L-train!)
Tara Tyler 12:43pm
M.R. Jordan 12:26am
Kristopher 4:45pm
This isn't quite a story but holy moly it's good writing:
Rea 2:59pm
The manager of the Paradise
Motel drives a new car and compulsively
sweeps the parking lot each night. Bill roams the hallways;
a skinny man, walking fast, herky-jerky. Scrounging
for cigarette butts. Vince stands
in his doorway, a chasm, and
says, “These drugs are killing me.”
I patrol the Paradise Motel with blinders on;
a bent harness pinches my ribcage.
A pale-faced young woman’s
asleep, sitting upright, in a Naugahyde
chair in the chaos of the parking lot.
They’re completely conspicuous,
as unobtrusive as the blood-red
neon sign that shouts vacancyvacancyvacancy;
these questions of sanity that trouble
an indifferent world.
Here are the six finalists:
Terri Coop 12:18pm
The ambulance left the police station. No sirens. Twenty years on the job and murder is still nothing but heartache and paperwork.
Unfolding a blank report, I bent over my old typewriter.
The punks were at the west desk. The old biddy at the east. Both were filing complaints.
She crowed about foiling a car theft.
Across the chasm, the hoods had red-ass about someone pulling a gun and chasing them away from their car.
I hit the “return” key. One section to go.
Conclusions: The old lady was a faster draw and a better shot.
SiSi 12:22pm
I stare at the folding chair with the bent legs and traces of duct tape, pretending to worry. Detective Grady watches me with narrowed eyes. God knows what Kyle’s doing.
“You know what happened here,” Grady says. Not a question, so I don’t answer.
“Where’s Red?”
That is a question, so I respond. I shrug.
Technically my shrug’s the truth. I don’t know where Red is, just that he’s gone. Gone like the chaos and destruction that followed him here and engulfed us both, pushing me into a chasm of bitter darkness.
I hope Kyle hides the body well.
Alaskan Ninja 1:23pm
Chaos. Everyone was screaming except me. I stood silent, white knuckles still fixed on Peter's camera.
“Take my picture,” he'd said, and headed toward the bent little cedar which clung defiantly to the outcrop. He ducked the safety rail, didn't think twice. Through the pinhole aperture I watched him stumble, saw his leg fold beneath him. The flat sole of his shoe lost purchase on the crumbling red shale.
I didn't even cry out as he slipped backward into the chasm. He tumbled end over end and I just stood there, rooted and silent as the cedar.
Colin Smith 1:29pm
I pushed open the familiar red door of the betting shop.
"The last time," I told myself as I stood in line. I re-read my tip. Ten-to-one odds. I pulled out my bill fold—the last remains of the empty chasm that is my bank account.
"You're bent on self-destruction," my wife had told me when she walked out. Ten-to-one odds on fixing the chaos of my life.
"The last time," I muttered, approaching the counter.
"Which horse, Steve?" said the bookie.
"The two-thirty," I said pushing the last of my savings toward him. "All that on The Last Time."
Unknown 4:26pm
As Juliana slipped under the blanket’s red fold, her phone buzzed. Eric. With a sigh, she picked up.
“Sorry about dinner,” he said. “I’m working late.”
“Again?” In the heavy silence that followed, she could feel his disapproval. She was too clingy. Insecure. She should get a life.
“I can’t leave. Work’s crazy right now. Total chaos.”
Uh huh. The lies cut a deep chasm between them. Like the Grand Canyon, she thought. Uncrossable. Unforgiveable.
Juliana hung up. She bent over the toilet, stomach heaving. Nine weeks along—and it wasn’t his.
She had to tell him. But when?
Elaine AM Smith 5:16pm
CC crying behind the gym, during Winter Formal, was a shock. A door slammed. I stashed my bottle, stowed it behind a bin and looked for an exit.
Drama! CC found her Brad deep in anyone’s Ginny. It was all chaos and replaced clothes. In her character assassination, CC blasted them with two-barrel insults. After that, I didn’t expect her sobs.
My intentions were good-enough when I put my hand on her red, satin-covered shoulder.
CC screamed.
There was a chasm between my act and her interpretation. “Sorry, CC. It’s Reid.”
Precision-perfect, CC kicked me. I folded bent and double.
And the winner is Terri Coop 12:18pm.
Congratulations Terri! Send me your mailing address and we'll get a copy of PURGATORY CHASM and THE WHOLE LIE off to you.
Thanks to everyone who entered!
You were a bloodthirsty bunch this weekend! I had to find a copy of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm to cleanse my eyeballs after reading your entries! Yowza!
Herewith the results:
Special recognition for dire threats about the judging!
"On a side note, if Matthew Masucci does not win with his entry, then I will assume all contests rigged and include a bribe with my next entry."
Cole Howard 4:45pm
Oblique in a tantalizing way!
Shtrum 9:24am
Special recognition for entries that were just utterly delightful.
Papillon Crew 9:25am
Sheila JG 9:34am
Special recognition for an entry that evokes New York perfectly!
Heroin Jones 10:06am
Yow! Special recognition for making me hide under my desk.
Matthew Masucci 1:03pm
Special recognition for making me say "awwwww"
Just Jan 12:46am
Special recognition for a neat turn of phrase:
"A lamb is bent and red beside the wolf, who lies—sought, caught, shot"
Annie 1:40pm
"A whole chaos of fuzzy red squirrels."
NotWarriorPrincess 6:01pm
Special recognition for my favorite literary goat: Bill E.
Sha'el, Princess of Pixies 11:14am
These entries just cracked me up!
Charley 10:42am
Schalfin 11:10am (the shortcut to Betelgeuse leading to the L-train!)
Tara Tyler 12:43pm
M.R. Jordan 12:26am
Kristopher 4:45pm
This isn't quite a story but holy moly it's good writing:
Rea 2:59pm
The manager of the Paradise
Motel drives a new car and compulsively
sweeps the parking lot each night. Bill roams the hallways;
a skinny man, walking fast, herky-jerky. Scrounging
for cigarette butts. Vince stands
in his doorway, a chasm, and
says, “These drugs are killing me.”
I patrol the Paradise Motel with blinders on;
a bent harness pinches my ribcage.
A pale-faced young woman’s
asleep, sitting upright, in a Naugahyde
chair in the chaos of the parking lot.
They’re completely conspicuous,
as unobtrusive as the blood-red
neon sign that shouts vacancyvacancyvacancy;
these questions of sanity that trouble
an indifferent world.
Here are the six finalists:
Terri Coop 12:18pm
The ambulance left the police station. No sirens. Twenty years on the job and murder is still nothing but heartache and paperwork.
Unfolding a blank report, I bent over my old typewriter.
The punks were at the west desk. The old biddy at the east. Both were filing complaints.
She crowed about foiling a car theft.
Across the chasm, the hoods had red-ass about someone pulling a gun and chasing them away from their car.
I hit the “return” key. One section to go.
Conclusions: The old lady was a faster draw and a better shot.
SiSi 12:22pm
I stare at the folding chair with the bent legs and traces of duct tape, pretending to worry. Detective Grady watches me with narrowed eyes. God knows what Kyle’s doing.
“You know what happened here,” Grady says. Not a question, so I don’t answer.
“Where’s Red?”
That is a question, so I respond. I shrug.
Technically my shrug’s the truth. I don’t know where Red is, just that he’s gone. Gone like the chaos and destruction that followed him here and engulfed us both, pushing me into a chasm of bitter darkness.
I hope Kyle hides the body well.
Alaskan Ninja 1:23pm
Chaos. Everyone was screaming except me. I stood silent, white knuckles still fixed on Peter's camera.
“Take my picture,” he'd said, and headed toward the bent little cedar which clung defiantly to the outcrop. He ducked the safety rail, didn't think twice. Through the pinhole aperture I watched him stumble, saw his leg fold beneath him. The flat sole of his shoe lost purchase on the crumbling red shale.
I didn't even cry out as he slipped backward into the chasm. He tumbled end over end and I just stood there, rooted and silent as the cedar.
Colin Smith 1:29pm
I pushed open the familiar red door of the betting shop.
"The last time," I told myself as I stood in line. I re-read my tip. Ten-to-one odds. I pulled out my bill fold—the last remains of the empty chasm that is my bank account.
"You're bent on self-destruction," my wife had told me when she walked out. Ten-to-one odds on fixing the chaos of my life.
"The last time," I muttered, approaching the counter.
"Which horse, Steve?" said the bookie.
"The two-thirty," I said pushing the last of my savings toward him. "All that on The Last Time."
Unknown 4:26pm
As Juliana slipped under the blanket’s red fold, her phone buzzed. Eric. With a sigh, she picked up.
“Sorry about dinner,” he said. “I’m working late.”
“Again?” In the heavy silence that followed, she could feel his disapproval. She was too clingy. Insecure. She should get a life.
“I can’t leave. Work’s crazy right now. Total chaos.”
Uh huh. The lies cut a deep chasm between them. Like the Grand Canyon, she thought. Uncrossable. Unforgiveable.
Juliana hung up. She bent over the toilet, stomach heaving. Nine weeks along—and it wasn’t his.
She had to tell him. But when?
Elaine AM Smith 5:16pm
CC crying behind the gym, during Winter Formal, was a shock. A door slammed. I stashed my bottle, stowed it behind a bin and looked for an exit.
Drama! CC found her Brad deep in anyone’s Ginny. It was all chaos and replaced clothes. In her character assassination, CC blasted them with two-barrel insults. After that, I didn’t expect her sobs.
My intentions were good-enough when I put my hand on her red, satin-covered shoulder.
CC screamed.
There was a chasm between my act and her interpretation. “Sorry, CC. It’s Reid.”
Precision-perfect, CC kicked me. I folded bent and double.
And the winner is Terri Coop 12:18pm.
Congratulations Terri! Send me your mailing address and we'll get a copy of PURGATORY CHASM and THE WHOLE LIE off to you.
Thanks to everyone who entered!
Kamis, 19 Januari 2012
Besties Writing Contest!
Let's celebrate ALL the Edgar nominees for Best First Novel! Yes, that's my client Steve Ulfelder on the list. Yes, that sound you hear is me screeching with delight!
And what better way to celebrate than with a writing contest!!
Contest opens on Saturday (1/21) at 9:00am. Closes Sunday (1/22) at 6:00pm. All times are Eastern Shark Time.
Usual rules:
Write a story in 100 words or fewer. Post the story in the comments column of this blog post. One entry per person. If you need a mulligan, delete your entry and post again.
Use the following words in your story:
The prize is a GREAT one: a copy of PURGATORY CHASM (of course!) AND a copy of THE WHOLE LIE the next Conway Sax book. You want to win this, yes you do!
If you have questions, tweet to me @janet_reid
WAIT! (Contest not open yet!)
Contest now closed!
And what better way to celebrate than with a writing contest!!
Contest opens on Saturday (1/21) at 9:00am. Closes Sunday (1/22) at 6:00pm. All times are Eastern Shark Time.
Usual rules:
Write a story in 100 words or fewer. Post the story in the comments column of this blog post. One entry per person. If you need a mulligan, delete your entry and post again.
Use the following words in your story:
The prize is a GREAT one: a copy of PURGATORY CHASM (of course!) AND a copy of THE WHOLE LIE the next Conway Sax book. You want to win this, yes you do!
If you have questions, tweet to me @janet_reid
Contest now closed!
Miss Suomi 2012 or Miss Finland 2012 Pageant to be held on January 29, 2012 -Meet Miss Finland 2012 (Miss Suomi 2012) Finalists Photos & Profile
Miss Suomi 2012 10 Finalists
The Miss Suomi 2012 pageant or Miss Finland 2012 as it internationally called will held it's finals on January 29 in Hameelinna. Sara Sieppi, Miss Finland 2011 will crown her successor at the end of the contest.
New winner and runners-up will compete in Miss Universe 2012, Miss World 2012 to be held on August 18 in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China. And in Miss International 2012 on November in Tokyo, Japan.
Meet the 10 contestants of Miss Finland 2012:

Anni Griinari - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Anni Griinari
Age: 21
Hometown: Kotka
Height: 171cm
Weight: 55kg
Vital Statistics: 90-57-90
Candidate's Profile
Name: Anna Tallgren
Age: 21
Hometown: Lohja
Height: 173cm
Weight: 56kg
Vital Statistics: 95-64-92

Taru Sokka - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Taru Sokka
Age: 22
Hometown: Espoo
Height: 169cm
Weight: 52kg
Vital Statistics: 88-62-90

Sara Chafak - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Sara Chafak
Age: 21
Hometown: Helsinki
Height: 172cm
Weight: 56kg
Vital Statistics: 84-63-91

Laura Ahola - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Laura Ahola
Age: 22
Hometown: Helsinki
Height: 170cm
Weight: 52kg
Vital Statistics: 89-65-89

Viivi Suominen - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Viivi Suominen
Age: 24
Hometown: Turku
Height: 174cm
Weight: 54kg
Vital Statistics: 84-63-90

Sabina Sarkka - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Sabina Sarkka
Age: 23
Hometown: Helsinki
Height: 178cm
Weight: 60kg
Vital Statistics: 89-64-92

Krista Haapalainen - Miss Suomi 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Krista Haapalainen
Age: 21
Hometown: Turku
Height: 173cm
Weight: 60kg
Vital Statistics: 90-62-93

Jonna Kolehmainen - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Jonna Kolehmainen
Age: 20
Hometown: Espoo
Height: 175cm
Weight: 59kg
Vital Statistics: 90-62-93

Sanna-Kaisa Saari - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Sanna-Kaisa Saari
Age: 24
Hometown: Turkuu
Height: 177cm
Weight: 52kg
Vital Statistics: 88-62-88
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
The Miss Suomi 2012 pageant or Miss Finland 2012 as it internationally called will held it's finals on January 29 in Hameelinna. Sara Sieppi, Miss Finland 2011 will crown her successor at the end of the contest.
New winner and runners-up will compete in Miss Universe 2012, Miss World 2012 to be held on August 18 in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China. And in Miss International 2012 on November in Tokyo, Japan.
Meet the 10 contestants of Miss Finland 2012:

Anni Griinari - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Anni Griinari
Age: 21
Hometown: Kotka
Height: 171cm
Weight: 55kg
Vital Statistics: 90-57-90
Anna Tallgren - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Candidate's Profile
Name: Anna Tallgren
Age: 21
Hometown: Lohja
Height: 173cm
Weight: 56kg
Vital Statistics: 95-64-92

Taru Sokka - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Taru Sokka
Age: 22
Hometown: Espoo
Height: 169cm
Weight: 52kg
Vital Statistics: 88-62-90

Sara Chafak - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Sara Chafak
Age: 21
Hometown: Helsinki
Height: 172cm
Weight: 56kg
Vital Statistics: 84-63-91

Laura Ahola - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Laura Ahola
Age: 22
Hometown: Helsinki
Height: 170cm
Weight: 52kg
Vital Statistics: 89-65-89

Viivi Suominen - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Viivi Suominen
Age: 24
Hometown: Turku
Height: 174cm
Weight: 54kg
Vital Statistics: 84-63-90

Sabina Sarkka - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Sabina Sarkka
Age: 23
Hometown: Helsinki
Height: 178cm
Weight: 60kg
Vital Statistics: 89-64-92

Krista Haapalainen - Miss Suomi 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Krista Haapalainen
Age: 21
Hometown: Turku
Height: 173cm
Weight: 60kg
Vital Statistics: 90-62-93

Jonna Kolehmainen - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Jonna Kolehmainen
Age: 20
Hometown: Espoo
Height: 175cm
Weight: 59kg
Vital Statistics: 90-62-93

Sanna-Kaisa Saari - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Sanna-Kaisa Saari
Age: 24
Hometown: Turkuu
Height: 177cm
Weight: 52kg
Vital Statistics: 88-62-88
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
Miss Finland 2012 (Miss Suomi 2012) Finalist - Sanna-Kaisa Saari's Photo & Profile

Sanna-Kaisa Saari - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Sanna-Kaisa Saari
Age: 24
Hometown: Turkuu
Height: 177cm
Weight: 52kg
Vital Statistics: 88-62-88
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
Miss Finland 2012 (Miss Suomi 2012) Finalist - Jonna Kolehmainen's Photo & Profile

Jonna Kolehmainen - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Jonna Kolehmainen
Age: 20
Hometown: Espoo
Height: 175cm
Weight: 59kg
Vital Statistics: 90-62-93
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
Miss Finland 2012 (Miss Suomi 2012) Finalist - Krista Haapalainen's Photo & Profile

Krista Haapalainen - Miss Suomi 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Krista Haapalainen
Age: 21
Hometown: Turku
Height: 173cm
Weight: 60kg
Vital Statistics: 90-62-93
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
Miss Finland 2012 (Miss Suomi 2012) Finalist - Sabina Sarkka's Photo & Profile

Sabina Sarkka - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Sabina Sarkka
Age: 23
Hometown: Helsinki
Height: 178cm
Weight: 60kg
Vital Statistics: 89-64-92
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
Miss Finland 2012 (Miss Suomi 2012) Finalist - Viivi Suominen 's Photo & Profile

Viivi Suominen - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Viivi Suominen
Age: 24
Hometown: Turku
Height: 174cm
Weight: 54kg
Vital Statistics: 84-63-90
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
Miss Finland 2012 (Miss Suomi 2012) Finalist - Laura Ahola's Photo & Profile

Laura Ahola - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Laura Ahola
Age: 22
Hometown: Helsinki
Height: 170cm
Weight: 52kg
Vital Statistics: 89-65-89
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
Miss Finland 2012 (Miss Suomi 2012) Finalist - Sara Chafak 's Photo & Profile

Sara Chafak - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Sara Chafak
Age: 21
Hometown: Helsinki
Height: 172cm
Weight: 56kg
Vital Statistics: 84-63-91
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
Miss Finland 2012 (Miss Suomi 2012) Finalist - Taru Sokka's Photo & Profile

Taru Sokka - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Taru Sokka
Age: 22
Hometown: Espoo
Height: 169cm
Weight: 52kg
Vital Statistics: 88-62-90
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
Miss Finland 2012 (Miss Suomi 2012) Finalist - Anna Tallgren's Photo & Profile

Anna Tallgren - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Anna Tallgren
Age: 21
Hometown: Lohja
Height: 173cm
Weight: 56kg
Vital Statistics: 95-64-92
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
Candidate's Profile
Name: Anna Tallgren
Age: 21
Hometown: Lohja
Height: 173cm
Weight: 56kg
Vital Statistics: 95-64-92
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
Miss Finland 2012 (Miss Suomi 2012) Finalist - Anni Griinari's Photo & Profile

Anni Griinari - Miss Finland 2012 Finalist
Miss Suomi 2012 / Miss Finland 2012
Candidate's Profile
Name: Anni Griinari
Age: 21
Hometown: Kotka
Height: 171cm
Weight: 55kg
Vital Statistics: 90-57-90
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
Miss World Brazil 2012 – Meet the 10 Semifinalists

Miss World Brazil 2012 – Meet the 10 Semifinalists
With Miss World being anticipated (it will happen in August, instead of November or December, as usual), the Miss World Brazil Organization decided to conduct a casting among candidates who participated in the national pageant in the years 2009, 2010, and 2011, to elect the Brazilian representative who will compete in Miss World 2012, Ordos, Inner Mongolia. The Miss World Brazil pageant, with participants from all states and some islands, will happen on September 22, and the winner will compete in Miss World 2013.
For the 2012 selection, 10 semi-finalists have been chosen, and one of them will succeed Juceila Bueno next month. Meet them:
and all sources for the information and pictures)
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